Create engaged employees with our employee benefits

Engaged employees are the key to success!

Are you finding it challenging to find new staff in this tight job market? Is turnover in your organisation very high? Or do you just want to do something extra for your employees? Focus on fun, experiences and involvement with employee benefits!

Engaged employees are happy with their job and will really commit to the organisation. They work harder, with more pleasure and are willing to go that extra mile. Moreover, engaged employees are more creative, productive and stress-resistant. As a result, the quality of work increases. After all, an organisation is only as good as the people who work there. So what do these employees deliver to you?

Touch Incentive - icoon personeelsverloop - voordelen van betrokken medewerkers
employee turnover
Touch Incentive - icoon ziekteverzuim - voordelen van betrokken medewerkers
Touch Incentive - icoon medewerkerstevredenheid - voordelen van betrokken medewerkers
employee productivity
Touch Incentive - icoon klanttevredenheid - voordelen van betrokken medewerkers
customer satisfaction
Touch Incentive - icoon winst - voordelen van betrokken medewerkers
Touch Incentive - icoon personeelsverloop - voordelen van betrokken medewerkers
employee turnover
Touch Incentive - icoon ziekteverzuim - voordelen van betrokken medewerkers


Touch Incentive - icoon medewerkerstevredenheid - voordelen van betrokken medewerkers
employee productivity
Touch Incentive - icoon winst - voordelen van betrokken medewerkers
Touch Incentive - icoon klanttevredenheid - voordelen van betrokken medewerkers
customer satisfaction

Satisfied and engaged employees therefore means a win-win situation for both the employees and the organisation! But how do you encourage employees and create this commitment? A competitive salary is obviously one thing. In addition, employees often receive a reward in the form of a bonus, but employees can not be bought. Flexible working conditions are becoming increasingly relevant in this and are often actually better received.

In fact, a bonus usually disappears directly into the recipient’s wallet or is used for basic needs such as food, shelter or bills. People often do not even remember where they spent their money on. As a result, these rewards are quickly forgotten. Salary and rewards are therefore not the most important factor for Employee Engagement.

Instead, a non-cash reward creates a “tangible” symbol of recognition and reward for their efforts. It is this perception that drives engagement. It provides a lasting reminder of their achievements and the company from which they received this reward. Thus, it strengthens the bond between employer and employee.

Touch is happy to help employees perform at a higher level and get them engaged. We work with full business support services including project management, fulfilment & assortment, helpdesk and IT & web services. With our employee benefits solutions, you can offer your staff the appreciation they deserve in no time!

Employee Benefits Platform

With benefits, priority and privilege of our Employee Benefits Platform, you offer your employees a truly unique experience. Think of unique and exclusive benefits for employees and their families, such as discounts on amusement parks, zoos, sports activities and the coolest lifestyle gadgets. Your employees choose for themselves! So there really is something for everyone. Check out the example of The Mandemakers Group!

An Employee Benefits Platform is ready-to-use, fully automated and can be integrated with HRM and payroll administration. Moreover, the platform can be fully personalised, so that it truly serves as an extension of your organisation.

Loyalty engagement solutions

Due to the various module options, our platforms are easy to translate from benefits platform to loyalty platform. The platforms are therefore scalable in terms of both deals and loyalty.

Using unique reward and loyalty software, Touch facilitates everything needed to inspire employees and increase employee loyalty. We combine knowledge and operational capacity to continuously stimulate, inspire and reward employees through a structured programme. This enables us to create a basis that encourages employees to actively contribute to the programme’s objectives. This ensures great support within the organisation, like at Yource!

Incentives for employees

An incentive stimulates, motivates and inspires your employees. This gift does not always have to be big or expensive. It is all about the disarming effect of the gesture. The smile, the good feeling.

A non-cash reward addresses the experience. This tangible symbol of recognition and appreciation creates a positive association with your organisation.

With over 300 content partners, a wide range of A-brand products and a wide range of gift and benefit cards, we always have an incentive for employees that suits your needs and organisation! Discover here how we used this wide range for KPN employees!

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