5 questions for Ronald Jongerius

Ronald has been working at Touch as Finance Director since 2019.

“Not a single day is the same at Touch!”

1. How do you start your working day?

To avoid the traffic jams between Utrecht and Rotterdam, I start up at home around 8 in the morning. After an hour, I drive to the office after the traffic jam.

2. What are your activities on a day?

My work consists of the various tasks the finance department takes care of. From keeping records to creating all kinds of reports.

3. Which project or final product to which you contributed makes you proud?

Touch’s acquisition of Sparco was a very intensive and educational experience. I was allowed to play a nice role in it.

4. What makes your job so enjoyable?

The diversity, no day is the same! I also really enjoy working with the other departments and people within Touch!

5. Do you have a question for Ronald? Ask your question here!