5 questions for Paul von Stockhausen

Paul is one of the founders of Sparco International B.V. and, from now on, Manager Integration & Development at Touch.

“Achieving (and celebrating) successes in a team is the best feeling there is!

1. How do you start your working day?

Every day, weather or not, I start with a brisk morning walk with my dog Donny, a Hungarian Vizsla. Arriving at the office, I first greet everyone and then grab a delicious coffee, which I take to my workstation. The first thing I do is check my incoming messages, adjust my plans for the day if necessary, and then get to work!

2. What are your activities on a day?

My workday often includes multiple consultations and appointments. Both work-related meetings with colleagues but also many consultations with partners and relations of our company.

‘Together we are better’ was the pay-off under Touch’s press release after the acquisition of Sparco and I can totally identify with that pay-off! My role is to identify and realize all benefits and opportunities arising from the acquisition. I also have my eyes open for new business opportunities and marketable loyalty merchandise concepts. I can put all my energy into this!

3. Which project or final product to which you contributed makes you proud?

To this, of course, I have only one answer; merging with Touch. I am very proud of that! I was immediately convinced that we fit together. The ambitions and drive within Touch fit perfectly with the growth scenario I always had in mind. The merging has created a very solid place in the market we are in today.

4. What makes your job so enjoyable?

Achieving (and celebrating) successes in a team is the best feeling there is! What makes my job so fun and special is that in my role I am fortunate enough to have to work with everyone to get the best results.

5. Do you have a question for Paul? Ask your question here!