5 questions for Maria Smit

Maria has been working as a Product Manager in our Promotions department since 2021.


“It’s bizarre what we all do and how many great customers we serve.”

1. How do you start your working day?

After I’ve sat in the car for quite a while, I often enter a bit chaotic. I often have to look for the tag to enter the office at the bottom of my bag. When I have found this, I quickly walk to my desk. As soon as I open my laptop, I’m in full focus.

2. What are your activities on a day?

As a Product Manager within the Promotions department I am responsible for various projects. I put our products on the platforms of various customers and maintain relationships with them. I try to fulfill their wishes for the platform or promotion as best as possible. I am involved in projects from start to finish and I contribute ideas about communication and content. In addition, I look for new opportunities to increase customer loyalty, visitors or sales.

3. Which project or final product to which you contributed makes you proud?

I am proud of every project and every challenge that we overcome as a team. Sometimes it’s because we were able to deliver something quickly, other times it’s a successful platform or successful communication.

4. What makes your job so enjoyable?

My job is very diverse and that makes it special in my opinion. I also like to be responsible for different projects. I often don’t think about it, but it’s bizarre what we all do and how many great customers we serve.

5. Do you have a question for Maria? Ask your question here!