5 questions for Laura Houtman

Laura started her internship at Touch in 2021 in the Promotions department. She has been working with us as Marketing Manager since 2023.

“What I am especially proud of so far is that I am and have been given many opportunities and responsibilities within Touch.”

1. How do you start your working day?

Every day I take public transport to the office. While listening to music or a podcast, this way I can start the day in a nice and calm way. At the office, I immediately grab a cup of tea and then start up my computer. I often prepare part of my to-do list the day before. This way, I always have some tasks to start with in the morning and enough space is left over for tasks that arise on the day itself.

2. Wat zijn je werkzaamheden op je dag?

My work is enormously diverse, which makes it fun for me to get back to work every day. On the one hand, I deal with formatting, sending and analysing newsletters for our benefit platforms or loyalty programmes. On the other hand, I maintain the team page. The nice thing about this is that I set up this team page during my internship period and maintaining this page is now part of my duties again.

Furthermore, I prepare customer proposals and other presentations in Photoshop. This allows me to work creatively to create something beautiful for my Sales colleagues to work on. Organising company outings is also part of my job. Planning something fun and having a nice, relaxing day out with the whole company gives a lot of energy.

So it really is all kinds of things!

3. Op welk project of eindproduct waaraan jij hebt bijgedragen ben je trots?

What I am especially proud of so far is that I am and have been given many opportunities and responsibilities within Touch. I started as an intern in 2021, after which I continued working one day a week before graduating within another organisation. After the graduation year, I discovered that I was eager to return to Touch. I felt taken seriously here, part of a team and I was given all the confidence. I got that confidence again when I was able to start as Marketing Manager in 2023. I am back in a friendly team where, once again, I am given many opportunities.

4. Wat maakt jouw functie zo leuk?

I get most satisfaction from the diversity of my tasks, but also from working together within the organisation. It is satisfying to see what you achieve individually, but also together. By working together with colleagues and departments, we achieve complete projects and actions. In addition, the office is very pleasant.

5. Do you have a question for Laura? Ask your question here!