5 questions for David Kraan

David has been working as a Service Agent in our team since 2023.

“I get great satisfaction from helping customers and solving their problem or question.”

1. How do you start your working day?

I always come in on time to get a quiet start and a tea for myself and my colleagues. After this, I start the day quietly and check what mails have come in and which ones are urgent. At 9 a.m. I turn on the phone and start answering mails and taking calls.

2. What are your activities on a day?

With our customer service team, we make sure we can speak to customers by phone and email at all times. I also support the warehouse with orders.

3. Which project or final product to which you contributed makes you proud?

I have only just started working here. But I am already happy to have been able to help the warehouse with their tickets and orders.

4. What makes your job so enjoyable?

You talk to a lot of different people and the work is very varied. I get a lot of satisfaction from helping customers and solving their problem or question. Usually people are also very happy on the phone and that makes me happy too.

5. Do you have a question for David? Ask your question here!